John Lavender



Sublime Art: Into the Abstract

In this article, I would like to expand on last month’s article: how the sublime in art can be better understood, by critiquing some examples

Sublime Art Part 2 Beyond the Mundane

In my last article, I defined the nature of “the sublime” in art, and suggested that the creation or appreciation of the sublime might be considered similar to

Sublime Art — Part 1

Many Anglicans these days are drawn to icons as objects of art, and for some, as objects of worship. For most Anglicans, icons represent “tradition,”

Small Group Organist

Did you ever have the desire to be a church organist? It may have crossed your mind at one time or another, or gotten added

Bishop Lynne McNaughton

Special Synod October 1, 2022

The first “Diocese of Kootenay Special Synod” took place via Zoom on October 1, 2022 with 86 delegates and guests in attendance. It had been

Jeff Donnelly Celebration

Celebration of Life

The Rev Jeffrey Donnelly A Celebration of the Life of Jeffrey Donnelly was held on July 2, 2022 at St Saviour’s Pro-Cathedral, Nelson. Lay people

St Michael & All Angel's


St Michael & All Angels, Balfour A Service of Deconsecration was held at St Michael & All Angels, Balfour on June 6, 2022.” This service

Black Elk: Mystic Myth & Catechist

There is a lot of myth and mystery surrounding the figure of Black Elk from the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. This is

(2016) St Michael and All Angel’s, Balfour BC. The Rev Jeff D onnel ly and lay minister Micahel Lavender preside at a child baptism. Photograph: John Lavender

In Memoriam Jeffrey Donnelly (1963-2022)

The Reverend Jeffrey Donnelly, priest and pastor was the Incumbent of St. Saviour’s Pro-Cathedral, Nelson, BC. He passed away suddenly on January 3, 2022. (Funeral

Year C: Pentecost

The Gospels in Stained Glass

The stained glass that we see in church windows usually tells one of the stories found in the gospels. Before the general population became literate,

Editorial – October 2021

There was a time when making changes in all things Anglican was difficult. Not so anymore in the times in which we live. When I first began editing The HighWay, people warned me against making changes too soon. As you see the October edition has a new face (front page). I thought it was about time.

Out of the Archives

Kokanee Team Ministry 1980 – 1984  The Rev. Canon Ray Bray was appointed to the New Denver area, as part of the Kokanee Team Ministry.

Micahel Lavender Lay Minister of Word and Sacrament for more than thirty years. Photograph by John Lavender, taken at S t Augu stine’s Drummond Centre ON (1988).

A Significant Contribution

This article is dedicated to all those who have made a significant contribution to their parish, but have not received any recognition for their years of service after they retire. I’m not suggesting that the church is remiss in thanking those who offer their time and gifts, but due to different circumstances, sometimes people fall through the cracks, unless someone champions their contribution.

Editorial – June 2021

Except for a few less ‘happy hormones,’ and a few technical hitches, the business of Synod went efficiently well this May. It seems that the underlying theme of Synod was more about how do online meetings compared to face-to-face meetings. And this idea was extended to the way we do church.  

Opening Worship Service at the Cathedral of St Micahel and All Angels, Kelowna, Thursday, 13 May 2021. The Venerable Archdeacon Christine Ross and The Rt Reverend Lynne E. McNaughton

Synod 2021

The 64th session of the Synod of the Diocese of Kootenay 2021 opening worship was live streamed by YouTube Thursday evening, May 13, Ascension Day. The Rt. Reverend Lynne E. McNaughton, Bishop presided. The theme of the Synod was from Isaiah 43: 18, 19 “Behold, I am doing a new thing.”

Editorial – May 2021

By now, based on our demographic, most of our readers would have received the covid-19 vaccine. I have to say that psychologically I feel somewhat relieved: a stress has been lifted.

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