Editorial: What’s New in The HighWay

By John Lavender on March 8, 2022

March 2022

As you see The HighWay has undergone a format change. However, it is more than that: due to changes taking place in the Anglican Journal and diocesan newspapers throughout Canada. Primarily, it is in response to the on-line presence of the Anglican Journal that the General Synod Communications Committee hired a consulting team to develop an on-line platform that will suit everyone. The results of this work will be visible very soon under the name “ANGLICAN NEWS CANADA.” All the wrinkles have not yet been ironed out but this new on-line presence will soon be available to all.

It is quite likely that this information will be communicated in the next issue of The HighWay. However, at present we have a subdomain name: anglicannews.thehighway.ca. The main difference, between what we did before and now, is that the The HighWay is not in a pdf file that you download; but that individual articles can be read on your computer or on your phone on a website. It is more convenient and less cumbersome than before, and more readily available.

When the subscription method to receive the Anglican Journal and The HighWay was revamped, we lost more than half our readership; but now, those who prefer on-line communication have convenient access to current news, information, and feature articles.

Of course there are many of us who still prefer reading a printed copy, and this is what the publication you hold in your hand is designed for. We will also have additional copies that will be sent to the parishes for general distribution.

This edition has a new feature that we hope will be useful, especially for when we are unable to go the church physically. This applies to shut-ins as much as changes in the rules concerning group gatherings. You will see that the lectionary readings for the month have been included: the gospel readings for each Sunday in full text and the other reading referenced: see “The Gospels in Stained Glass.”


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