Editorial: New On-line Presence & Challenge

By John Lavender on April 1, 2022

April – 2022

Easter marks an important season in the lectionary cycle. The message of resurrection does not restore the old, it transforms into the new. This is also happening in The HighWay.

You might have noticed that many articles start with the words “by the time you read this…” such and such would have happened.

This is the nature of change. Even though we don’t always feel change is better; it is often just different. Neil Eliot’s series “Changing Church” speaks to this and gives us examples of how we have adapted to new circumstances.

The HighWay’s new circumstances are the addition of rich content in its print version and a new platform on-line. There can be many advantages to going on-line; such as receiving recent news that is time-sensitive: one of the draw backs of a monthly newspaper, and one of the reasons to change to a magazine format. “By the time you read this editorial” The HighWay on-line presence will be available to you. The link is as follows: https://thehighway.anglicannews.ca.

In addition, the diocesan website would have gone through a resurrection by this time as well. Through Anglican News Canada which includes the Anglican Journal’s on-line have access, not only to the Anglican Journal and The HighWay, but to all diocesan newspapers across Canada; either on-line only or in a downloadable/printable version. This is still a work in progress, but the digital architecture is there.

One beautiful addition to the print version of The HighWay Magazine, which started in March, is the inclusion of the lectionary readings for the month published.

After the subscription method was re-instituted, many old readers still have not signed up to receive The HighWay and Anglican Journal by mail. All financial contributors to the Anglican Church of Canada are entitled to receive the Anglican Journal and the diocesan newspaper that serves their parish.

Specifically, in Kootenay diocese, due to the minimum quantities that the printer must generate to produce the magazine, there are copies left over. Therefore, I have arranged for every subscriber in Kootenay diocese to receive an extra copy. This is the challenge where you as faithful readers come in. You can give your extra copy to anyone who does not receive one in your parish.

This is a kind service on your part, as the gospel readings printed at the back of the magazine have been included, not only for reading, but also for study and a reminder of the sermon given on a particular Sunday in the lectionary cycle.


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