
Kootenay Lake as seen from Willow Point: Artist John Lavender
By John Lavender on November 30, 2023

For centuries, Anglicans have taken authority in their church to rest on the “three-legged stool” of Scripture, tradition, and reason, a concept whose origins are at least partly traceable to 16th-century English theologian Richard Hooker. The structure of The HighWay follows this paradigm.

“Scripture” is covered by the monthly readings provided following the Lections from the Revised Lectionary. “Reason” is reflected in the columns written by our diocesan contributors. However, we are a little shy on submissions that represent “Tradition,” although the stained-glass images that accompany the scripture readings fall into that category. But what is needed are more contributions from the Altar Guild and historians in the parishes.

In this Advent edition of The HighWay, I’ve included a feature article about The Past, Present, and Future of Okanagan Anglican Camp (OAC). It has been amazing how quickly the people of Kootenay Diocese have come together to support efforts to rebuild the camp, which shows how important OAC has been in many people’s lives. Many have happy memories associated with OAC: camping, swimming, canoeing, good food, campfires, friendships, and being absorbed in the beauty of nature. And in quieter moments, feeling closeness with God.

What we love about OAC can also be expressed about the season of Advent.

As we approach the Nativity of our Lord, whatever else is going on in our life, the nativity holds a special place in our hearts. To celebrate the family side of the Christmas season, I have included an article by Yme Woensdregt, which he wrote many years ago about St Nicholas. It has been reproduced by several diocesan newspapers across Canada.

In addition to reflecting on the past glories of OAC and its future, you will find a reflection on the meaning of Advent by Andrew Stephens-Rennie, as he begins his role as Director of Missional Renewal for the diocese.

The HighWay also welcomes two new writers: Suzanne Phillips, a member of the Spiritual Development Committee and Brent Woodard, Incumbent for Windermere shared ministry in the East Kootenays. Brent’s article, “When Women Aren’t Safe,” was published by the local newspaper in Windermere. Brent’s congregation suggested he also send it to The HighWay.

I received a letter to the editor that I would like to share. The writer complained that the language used for the scripture readings was being ‘dumbed down.’ Specifically, the gospel for the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost. The reader asked, “What’s the matter with, ‘Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.’?” The NRSV says, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperors.” I replied that I couldn’t do anything about the language used in Anglican churches, but the ‘emperor’ might. In this case, King Charles III, who is the Head of the Church and whose head is about to be used on Canadian currency. We both saw the humour of this scenario.

This interchange demonstrated to me that the online edition of The HighWay is reaching the greater public.
