
“Wild Flowers in bloom at Idaho Peak, New Denver, BC” Artist John Lavender
By John Lavender on April 1, 2023

Easter is a season of resurrection. Resurrection implies not only the rebirth of the old, but the rebirth of something new.

In Bishop Lynne’s absence, The Right Rev. James Cowan, the Executive Archdeacon of Kootenay, has kindly written the Easter Reflection.

Going by the tone of this month’s articles, we have been going through an intense period of self-examination during Lent. Many of the articles featured recently have had provocative titles; such as Andrew Stephens-Rennie’s “Is the Church Killing the Clergy?” “Why Would Anyone Go to Church?” “What are We Waiting for? In addition, Yme Woensdregt’s insightful article, “A Blessing for a Dying Church,” and this month, “I Am an Agnostic Christian.” All of these headlines might be considered “edgy.” They certainly make us think.

Regardless, they are intentionally provocative and are a sign of the times in which we live. Whatever response the title provokes, we welcome the “High Road” with a message that is challenging yet inspiring. You might even want to share these articles with your friends, which is one of the reasons we give you an additional copy of The HighWay.

On my travels to different parishes, I still meet people who want to know why they haven’t received a copy of The HighWay in the mail. I tell them to subscribe on-line by going to https://anglicanjournal.com/subscriptions/. However, sometimes they need help to accomplish this task from someone who is a little more computer savvy.

The excellent articles written for you by David Tiessen, and Kevin Arndt; and, of course, Bishop Lynne McNaughton, bring us relevant messages each month, including articles written by the Spiritual Development Committee and our Deacons.

In addition, it is our intention to include reports and photographs from local parishes. This month, it is St Andrew’s, Kelowna, that is in the limelight.

This edition has several important articles that everyone should read. One is a report from the “Structures Working Group,” and another is from “The Anglican Foundation” who have made changes to the way grants are funded.

My wife frequently asks me to send a particular article to one of our friends; not because she wants to proselytize, but because she thinks they would enjoy reading it.

Even though I prefer to sit in an armchair and read a printed a copy of The HighWay; it is easier to share articles on-line. All you have to do is copy the URL in your browser and paste it in an email or into your Facebook page to share with your friends.

Last, but not least, I hope you are enjoying the new series of articles I have written about “Sublime Art.” One thing that distinguishes Anglicans from other denominations is their love for the aesthetic. Whether this will change in the future, I don’t know, but what is new, is taking a fresh look at Art as a way of experiencing God through art that in some ways is considered to be BEAUTIFUL and TRANSCENDENT. It is easy to love the beauty of nature. Art is something that we do to express that LOVE.

As a side note on what is beautiful, the stained-glass windows illustrating the “Readings” and on the cover page come from Chartres Cathedral in France.


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