Filling the heart with the emotions of Easter: from the somber darkness of dread, distress at an unjust crucifixion, and the joy of the resurrection, Holy Week services at St. Saviour’s, Penticton were filled with emotion. Reverend Canon Nick Pang, Deacon Richard Simpson and many parishioners prepared the services, music and church for the very moving observances.

On Good Friday, a joint service with Naramata St Saviour’s Rev. Nick Pang bathes the feet of parishioner Mary Murkin during Maundy Thursday. Deacon Richard Simpson carries the cross on Good Friday. Lighting the fire during the Easter Vigil to bring light into the darkness. Deacon Rev. Richard Simpson, Rev. Lori Megley-Best of Naramata Community Church and Rev. Nick Pang conducted Easter services. Community Church, Penticton’s Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, and St. Saviour’s Anglican congregation made for an especially enjoyable observance. Rev. Lori Megley-Best of Naramata Community Church joined Rev. Pang and Deacon Rev. Simpson to conduct the service. Easter Sunday brought worshippers from throughout the region as we celebrated the resurrection. Alleluia, Christ is Risen.