Martha Fish




It’s a trendy concept now in the Health and Wellness world. Mindfulness means focusing your attention on what is around you, paying attention to a

Around & About the Diocese

Mountaintop Service & Picnic at Kootenay Summits Parish On Sunday, August 18, the combined congregations of St John the Evangelist Fruitvale, Christ Church Creston, St

St Teresa of Avila

In our ongoing series on the great Christian mystics, I chose to write about Teresa of Avila, the Spanish 16th century Carmelite nun, author of

Take Time

Time. The wellness gurus tell us to take time to be mindful, to stop our busyness and really pay attention to what is around us.

Walking Humbly

Spiritual Development Do you ever get the sense that our society is losing all sense of civility? That politeness and courtesy are becoming things of

Letting Go of Undue Suffering

By the time you read this, we will be in the season of Lent. Many of you will have attended an Ash Wednesday service, either

Recharging our Batteries

I am writing this column in mid-October, when the red and golden leaves on the hillsides are so colourful. it is as if they give a glorious visual shout of joy. You will be reading this in early December, when the leaves have fallen, and the early snows have started.

Sacred Creation

There are many forms of prayer. There is prayer that uses words: liturgical prayer, intercessory prayer, prayers of praise and adoration. There is spontaneous prayer, that springs to our hearts and lips when we are deeply moved, or when we feel overwhelmed.

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