Kevin Arndt


  • Kevin Arndt

    The Rev Kevin Arndt serves the parishes of Christ Church, Cranbrook and St Paul, Golden


Kevin Arndt

A Hatful of Change

The story is told about a woman who was walking on a stormy beach with her husband when a great wave fell onto the shore

Prison ministry

The Sunset of Privilege

Years ago, when I joined BC Corrections as Chaplain, in Victoria’s maximum-security prison, one of the first places in the jail I reported to was

St. Joe of Segregation

Prison Ministry “I was in prison, and you visited me,” Matthew 25:36 For more than ten years, I served as the fulltime chaplain at the

The Community of Christ Church, Cranbrook BC

Cranbrook & Golden Update

In 2020, the Parish of Christ Church, Cranbrook suffered a double blow: the first was the shutdown that we all experienced in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The second came in June, with the retirement of the Reverend Yme Woensdregt after sixteen years of ministry at Christ Church and in the surround- ing community. The parish was at a crossroads.

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