A Day of Sacred Creation

By Karen Archibald on June 1, 2021

May 14 was a diocesan day to be creative

In all ways but one, “A Day of Sacred Creation” was a resounding success! Okay, let’s name the one thing off the top – the Dropbox link didn’t work for most people, but I want to tell you why it was a success anyway. The imagination of many of us was stirred across the Diocese when we were invited to co-create with the Spirit to make a new thing. The original idea for “A Day of Sacred Creation” was to invite us all into a surge of new life across the diocese as we prepared for, celebrated with, and participated in the diocesan theme of “doing a new thing.” And we did that! In spades! In planting, crafting, painting, knitting, building, sewing, and did I mention planting? It was so uplifting to hear of new projects initiated, old projects rekindled, memorial projects so needed for healing, seasonal projects needing an excuse, and retreat projects needing a reason that were all undertaken with gusto across our region. Sharing the pictures, the joy, and the creative excitement adds to our delight, but doing the work between us and God was the whole purpose. Thank you for taking on the challenge of making this liminal day between the Ascension and Pentecost special. Thank you for being part of the surge of new life in the Spirit. If you could, thanks for sharing it with us. If you couldn’t, God saw you anyway! And it was good!


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