How to write an article about parish events
Writing for The HighWay can be very fulfilling, especially when it is about people that you know in your parish. Here are a few tips that might inspire you to write an article for The HighWay.
Choose a subject. It can be about a person in your parish or a group involved in a particular ministry. For instance, it could be a fundraising event, like organizing a tea and/or bake sale. Just organize a few simple facts using this template and you are halfway there.
First sentence/paragraph
Write down the WHO, WHAT, WHERE and WHEN of a particular event.
Example: WHO: “The Anglican Women at (parish name).”
WHAT: “held a fundraising drive of baked goods.”
WHERE: “location…”
WHEN: Date… “Saturday, November 30, 2024.”
Second paragraph
(general information):
- Did anything happen?
- Was a guest present?
Third paragraph
- What did the guest do or say?
Invited guest said, “I’m glad to be here today…
The Primate’s World Relief Fund is a very worthwhile charity,” she added.
Fourth paragraph:
- Did anything else happen?
Fifth paragraph:
- How much money did this event raise?
- For what purpose (a percentage was used for much needed hymn books).
This template for an article about an event can also be applied to an article about someone in your parish who has done something that deserves recognition. All parishioners have lives that deserve recognition and celebration.
Some people only write 30 words and call it an article. That’s good if you are just sending a photograph.
This format might be about 240 words, which is okay. However, a better article would be at least 300 – 500 words.
Providing the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, and WHEN of a photograph is also important. In addition, try to take action shots (children dancing) and less of people sitting down or standing in a group. Now that we have cell phones with camera and email capabilities, we can send images to The HighWay easily. Each image file should be as large as possible but not more than 2 Mega-pixels.
The aim of The HighWay is to have timely and relevant articles about your parish life. It is important to share with other parishes who contribute to The HighWay. If an event is close to the deadline, please send an email describing your intended submission and then we can reserve space. The deadline is always the last day of the month, but sooner is better.
Send your submissions to
[email protected].
Articles or photographs not published in the next printed edition of The HighWay will be considered for the following edition.
Articles are published in a print format and online