St Margaret’s, Peachland, Celebrate 80 Years of Combined Ordination

Archdeacon Chris Ross and Reverend Sue Mayoss-Hurd celebrating 80 years of combined ordination at St Margaret’s, Peachland.
By Donna Kusch on August 31, 2024

We at St. Margaret’s were privileged to gather together after Worship on May 19, 2024, to celebrate Archdeacon Christine Ross and our Honorary Priest, The Reverend Sue Mayoss-Hurd in their continued commitment to God and in the mission of Jesus Christ. We were able to witness that rhythm of commitment in our midst. Archdeacon Chris Ross was ordained into the Diaconal Ministry on May 20, 1984. The Reverend Sue Mayoss-Hurd was first ordained into the Diaconal Ministry in May, 1984, and then ordained into the Priesthood in 1994. She was among the first women to be ordained into the Priesthood, which was finally allowed in the Church of England in 1992.

Archdeacon Chris was involved in so many “firsts” of outreach in our Diocese. Instrumental in providing care packages of household needs including bedding, linens, etc. to those individuals who were able to leave the streets and graduate into housing. Also the distribution of food such as “Chili Meals” to those living on the streets. We are so thankful to these two incredible women sharing their ministries and touching the hearts of all they have met over the past 40 years; each, but also sharing leadership in our church, St Margaret’s, Peachland. We are very blessed and grateful.
