Getting Started as a Deacon — Part 1: Definitions

An Inquirer: Is a person who is considering that he/she may be called to ordained ministry, wants to learn more about the discernment process, and wants to explore the willingness of the Parish/Congregation to support that process.

Candidate: Is a person, who can articulate a sense of call, has met with the Parish/Congregation leaders, the Bishop and has the permission and support of both the Bishop and the Parish/Congregation to formally enter the discernment and training process of the programme.

Postulant: Is a person who has completed, or nearly completed, the discernment and training process, has met with the Examining Chaplains, attended a Diocesan Advisory Committee on Postulants for Ordination (ACPO), met with the Bishop and has permission from the Bishop to proceed at some future date to ordination.

Ordinand: Is a person who has been through the programme, whom the Bishop has decided to ordain and who has written a covenant with his/her Parish/Congregation.

Deacon: Is a person who is ordained or received by the Diocese of Kootenay, whose discernment and training are recognized by the Diaconal Commission and affirmed by the Bishop.

Diaconal Commission: The Diaconal Commission advises the Bishop on the suitability of candidates for the Diaconate, in the Diocese of Kootenay.
Incumbent: An incumbent is a priest appointed by the Bishop to be responsible for a parish. A team ministry arrangement may include a missioner, who may carry out duties that this document assigns to the incumbent.

Deacons: Preliminary Requirements is baptised and a communicant member of the Anglican Church of Canada

—is an active member of the worshipping community for a minimum of one year and has a significant level of maturity and stability
—who demonstrates some ability to care for people, both individuals and in groups
—has high moral and ethical standards
—has the support of his/her spouse, fiance(e) or partner, if applicable
—has a good reputation in the community and in the Parish
—has the recommendation of her/his parish and Incumbent
—has a mature spirituality and disciplined prayer life
—has demonstrated some time of diakonia, particularly in the area of community work and/or social advocacy
—has an understanding of the diaconate and of diaconal ministry
—has an understanding of Baptismal ministry
—has the potential for leadership
—has a personal support system in place or a commitment to form one
—is committed to the discernment process and has the time and resources necessary for the education requirement
—is committed to, and has the capacity for, the training and education involved in the process
—will have the time and resources necessary to carry out diaconal ministry
—can articulate a sense of call
—must provide the Diocese with a criminal record check.

For More Information contact:

The Ven. Christine Ross, Deacon

Director of Deacons
[email protected]


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