RECOGNIZING 50 Years of Ministry to Church and Community

By Wendy Stewart on December 31, 2023

A beautiful evensong service on November 26 at St Saviour’s, Penticton, celebrated 50 years of ministry of The Venerable Peter O’Flynn and Jean O’Flynn.

The Reverend Canon Nick Pang officiated and read congratulatory letters from Bishop Lynne McNaughton and Primate Linda Nicholls. Members of the O’Flynn family, friends, and parishioners were on hand to thank Jean and Peter.

Jean O’Flynn told the gathering the evensong service marked the anniversary of their weekend arrival in Penticton as they prepared to begin their ministry. It was the culmination of a true calling.

As Jean explained, the family was enjoying their church and community in Ontario when Peter received a letter from Jean’s father (a minister) encouraging Peter to apply for a rector’s position in Vancouver. Peter declined, dispatching the letter to the circular file.

Jean recounted how Peter said he would only leave for a posting in Penticton or Kelowna. Two weeks later, Peter learned of an opening in Penticton. He wrote the bishop and in a miracle of Canada Post delivery, received a letter in Ontario on Monday that was mailed in Kelowna on Friday.

Following a hunch to break with practice and pick up the mail on Monday, the letter invited Peter to lunch with the bishop, who would be visiting Toronto the following day. Following the lunch, Peter flew west for an interview and said yes to St Saviour’s in Penticton, arriving 50 years ago to the day.

Speaking at the evensong service, Peter thanked the gathering for all the good wishes, the service and especially the old-fashioned evensong, which is not held very often.

The gathering rose to their feet to applaud the couple in appreciation of their tireless dedication and service to the church and community.

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