Diocese of Kootenay 65th Synod, May 23 – 26, 2024

The 65th Synod of the Diocese of Kootenay began with an opening service at the Cathedral of St Michael and All Angels, Kelowna. The theme ...

Archbishop Lynne’s Charge — 65th Synod

First, let me say what a joy it is to be here! What a joy it is to have all of you here together. You ...

Election & Resolution Results

Elections The following delegates were elected at Synod for Diocesan Council, Provincial Synod, and General Synod. Diocesan Council: Austin Spry (Clergy), Cathy Haige (Laity), Judith ...

The Man Behind “Songs for a Gospel People”

Back in 1987, a hymn book supplement brought a breath of fresh air into church music. This new book introduced songs from around the world ...

Bravery and Imagination

What would you do if you were newly elected to Parish Council, only to find yourself responsible–in ways you had never previously imagined–for difficult and ...

Spiritual Dilemmas

Christians try to promote justice in our world. Jesus told us to “love others as I have loved you.” (Jn 13: 34) How would you ...

Life and Death

“We can choose Hope or Despair” We are past the fullness of summer, in the church’s season of Creation, heading toward Harvest Thanksgiving, and Autumn. ...

OAC Plans to Reopen in 2025

After a year of relentless work to bring Camp OAC back from the devastation of the McDougall Creek Wildfire, the Anglican Diocese of Kootenay has ...

The Prophetic Voice

From the Desk of a Deacon Speaking Truth to Power Earlier in June of this year, I was delighted to attend the Canadian National Conference ...

Around and About the Diocese

Service of Secularization for St Jude, Greenwood Members of Holy Trinity, Grand Forks, St. Mary’s Rock Creek, and St. Jude Greenwood, gathered to hold a ...

St Margaret’s, Peachland, Celebrate 80 Years of Combined Ordination

We at St. Margaret’s were privileged to gather together after Worship on May 19, 2024, to celebrate Archdeacon Christine Ross and our Honorary Priest, The ...

Inviting and Welcoming Newcomers with Intention

Ask yourself: Why are you interested in growing your parish? What is God doing in the life of your congregation that’s worth sharing? Why would ...

Print Media: Breaking News

The pandemic interfered with my professional development. Pre-COVID, I would attend a yearly conference of Anglican Editors, and I had missed that vital connection with ...
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