As February dawns it may be easy to forget the beauty and wonder of Christmastide. Winter still holds us in its grip, and the days can be messy and cold. At the beginning of February we pause to give thanks for the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus, or Candlemas. In earlier times the church observed the season of Christmas from December 25 straight through to February 2, with the blessing of candles and light, recalling the presentation of infant Jesus, our light and our life, to God at the Temple.
The prayer and action of Simeon and Anna shine a light on our response to Jesus; they cradle Jesus, offer blessing and praise. We are encouraged to do the same, and live out the blessing through our response in love to all those who come into our midst.
Though February is now upon us, I find my heart is still wrapped up in the beauty and wonder of incarnation. No, my tree is not still up, nor are my decorations adorning mantle and window. But each week, in both Kaslo and Nelson, I observe actions of love and service that remind me of the beauty of the Creator, and the gift of the created.
Two months ago, at Christmas, liturgies were fulsome and rewarding, with a fifty percent increase in attendance, including many newcomers. The Sunday Community Meal Programme and the Winter Emergency Bed Programme received beautiful gifts. Our Community meal continues to expand with active participation from the wider community. All are welcome, and many are making Sundays a priority to prepare and serve meals alongside parishioners. The Winter Emergency Bed Programme is on stand-by for cold weather, and we were gifted twenty handmade quilts to provide for clients needing extra warmth and TLC. These actions confirm to me that we in Kokanee Parish are living out our baptismal covenant, specifically:
Seeking and serving Christ in all persons, loving our neighbour as ourselves, and s triving for justice and peace among all, and respecting the dignity of every human being.
In a world where the knee-jerk response to human need is usually a call for ‘thoughts and prayers,’ we are trying in our own small way, to live our convictions through action. It is a joy to see that we who pray and wonder, also take time to prepare, serve, feed, warm, listen, and be present to those who walk through our doors.
Sparks of energy and amazement are palpable throughout Kokanee Parish. People are stepping forward to share gifts and skills, love and effort to bring justice and hope in our small corner of the world. The Holy Spirit is enabling us to open ourselves in response to community needs around us.
It is a blessing and honour to partner with this community as together we serve and respond in love. As I light candles this season, I ask God to bless the light, the liturgy, and our community, remembering that we hold this gift of Incarnation, not just at Christmas, nor at Candlemas, but each and every day. In this world where we live and move and work and love, there will always be struggle and adversity; may we be channels of justice, holiness and joy, to bring light and warmth into God’s world.
Like Simeon,
may I grow old
in hope and in wonder.
Like Anna,
may I be in love with you
all my days.
May we be open to truth,
open to surprises.
May we let your Spirit
into our common life.
May we let your Justice
change our behaviour.
May we live in the brightness
of your joy.
Adapted from Hay and Stardust: Resources from Christmas to Candlemas by Ruth Burgess, Wild Goose Worship Group: Iona Community 2005