God Bless the Diocese!

By Catherine Ripley on December 31, 2024

I am writing this article on the cusp of our new church year, and as you read it, a new calendar year is just beginning. The turnover from old to new is always a welcome opportunity to reflect on where God has led in the past year and to listen for what might be next. Is the Holy One calling me — calling you — to commit to a new life-giving practice and habit? What might it be? Here’s a habit to consider: Praying regularly for and/or with the Diocese of Kootenay as part of your own personal prayer practice.

That said, confession: Too often I find it easiest to pray for the people and circumstances closest to me. Praying for Kimberley Shared Ministry, for example, is much easier than praying for “the Diocese.” But in this time of transition and change for all of us, surely the Diocese — composed of all you wonderful people living out your faith in all manner of ways in all types of diverse communities of faith — need our prayers: But what exactly for?

Here are some ways you might become more intimate with the specific needs and joys of our Diocese should you choose to pray in a more intentional way for the Diocese over the next year:

Become a Diocesan Prayer Companion: Since the Prayer Companion initiative was launched in Spring 2023, this company of pray-ers has prayed for parishes in transition, summer rejuvenation for clergy, the hiring of the right people to fill vacancies, Camp OAC in the aftermath of the 2023 fires, Education for Ministry (EfM) mentors, Synod, … and of course, for our Bishop, and our parish clergy. This group receives prayer requests from the Diocesan leadership on a monthly-ish basis. To become a Companion, please send an email to the Spiritual Development Committee at [email protected] Everyone is welcome. No experience necessary!

Use Kootenay Contact or The HighWay as a spark: In these venues, often the Bishop asks us to pray for specific circumstances or people, so that’s an easy one! But consider the discipline of lifting the subject matter up to God and listening as you read between the lines.

Follow the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: This prayer cycle, prepared faithfully by The Rev’d Helen Hall each quarter and available on the Diocesan website, names all of our parishes (and their leaders) on a rotating basis as well as the people serving on various Diocesan committees. It is an excellent reminder about the breadth and depth of our Diocese.

Tune into Night Prayer (8:30 pm [PT] Mondays-Thursdays…or in the wee hours when you can’t sleep! Join Bishop Lynne and/or other prayer leaders on the Diocese’s Facebook page in praying this daily office. There is always an opportunity to request prayer, so this could also be a place to both hear and bring the needs of your small corner of the Diocese to the attention of others and into God’s light.

So, are you in? If you are willing to pick up or renew the habit of praying intentionally for the Diocese as we “build trust and resilience in our common life [plus] anticipate and celebrate new possibilities,” thanks be to God! And a sincere thank you to you, too. God bless the Diocese and God bless you.
