Catherine Ripley



God Bless the Diocese!

I am writing this article on the cusp of our new church year, and as you read it, a new calendar year is just beginning.

Pierre Teihard de Chardin

(1881-1955) Controversial Visionary and Mystic In his book Everything Ablaze, Meditating on the Mystical Vision of Teilhard de Chardin (Paulist Press, 2017), David Richo writes

Listening To Rock

A year ago, my husband and I were visiting friends in Crystal Springs, Nevada, a wee (wee) community located in the Amargosa Desert. On Palm

Transformed by the Stations of the Cross

In 20011, renowned liturgical fabric artist Karen Brodie Archibald of St Paul’s in Golden said, “Oh, yeah, I should do that!” The “that” was the

Prayers for Special Synod 2022

Lord, Have Mercy … on our Special Synod Our first-ever “Special Synod” is just a month away. As for previous Synods, we are all invited

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