Around the Diocese

Golder BC
By thehighway on January 30, 2024

The Induction of Rev David Burrows, Kokanee Parish

St Saviour’s Pro-Cathedral, Nelson: The induction into New Ministry of the Reverend David Burrows at Kokanee Parish. The service took place on the patronal day of St Nicholas, Wednesday, December 6, 2023. Presider: the Right Rev James Cowan, and Dean David Tiessen. In attendance were clergy and lay people from across the Diocese of Kootenay. Photographs: Andrew Stephens-Rennie.

Holy Trinity, Grand Forks

HOW VERY ANGLICAN — Here is a photograph of Louie, our new addition at Holy Trinity. While our organist, Sharlie McCreadie, makes beautiful music for us, he sits quietly on her lap. Photograph by Kersti Jakobsson.

