Robbie Burns Night, Holy Trinity, Grand Forks
The parish of Holy Trinity, Grand Forks, hosted a big potluck dinner/ musical/ dancing evening in honour of Burns Night at the church on Thursday, January 23.
The Haggis was “piped” into the supper by John Wilson, accompanied by Simon Shenstone, Rev. Austin Spry, and Rod Templeton. “Ode to the Haggis” was recited enthusiastically by Dan MacMaster.
The Can-Can Troupe, “Les Folles Jambettes,” performed a Scottish country dance to “Mairie’s Wedding.” Simon Shenstone led the Scottish country dancing, and prizes were awarded for guessing the meaning of Scottish words found in Robbie Burns’ poetry.
The evening concluded with everyone singing “Auld Lang Sang.”
It was the general opinion of those attending: “This was the best Burns Night ever! We want to do this again next year!”